Into the Unknown

This week was spring break in Oklahoma, and as much as I tried to stay focused on the fact that it was my break, it was extremely difficult to do. We got word on Monday the 16th that we wouldn’t be returning to school until at least April 6th…and that’s provided we don’t have to be out longer.


My brain is still having trouble comprehending what that means and/or looks like. I mean the last 3 school years in Oklahoma have ended strangely.


2019…flooding and tornadoes


And then the questions start…

Do all of my families have access to childcare? Do they all have access to meals? Are their parents going to be able to keep their jobs? What happens to the ones who were just finally starting to “get it”? and the list goes on and on…

So while I normally would be starting to look at my plan for the coming week after spring break, that is not my reality right now. My reality is figuring out a new normal like many friends and family members are doing right now as well.

And its unsettling, weird, unnerving, anxious, and “all the feels.” And to be honest…I’ve given myself permission to feel them all this week.


I can’t stay there. I know that this too will be over eventually…that life will return to a more balanced existence. So instead of staying in my emotions I decided to list some of the things I’m grateful for in the middle of what feels like chaos. I challenge you to do the same.

Things I’m grateful for:

  1. Jesus
  2. a place to live
  3. food to eat
  4. a paycheck still coming in
  5. a car to drive
  6. friends to talk to
  7. movies to watch  (aka…Disney +)
  8. family that can help support me
  9. my church family
  10. the sunshine

That’s a really small list…I could go on, but now its your turn…take a minute or two tonight and write your list. Please feblog pictureel free to comment and let me know your list or keep it to yourself…either is okay. 🙂

Lastly…be nice…be understanding…extend grace…give yourself grace…and pray for protection, peace, and solutions!

Love you all!! ❤

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